Concrete being poured at Sunset Ranch!
New space, new dreams, new hopes and new life. These words are ones everyone wants to hear. The new is always so exciting! New life together is by far one of the best “NEWS” I can think of. We are so excited to be making this new space for you and your loved ones and gaining headway out at Sunset Ranch! The concrete has been poured and now the real work can begin. We will keep you all updated on the progress out at the ranch as the framing unfolds and this barn starts taking shape! Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. This accounts for dreams, jobs, relationships, and physical building projects! Whatever you’re building, know that a foundation must be laid; blood, sweat and tears will probably be exchanged in the making, and there will be setbacks. Deadlines may not always get met but in the end, it’s about the journey. It all adds up to one beautiful dream… and we are excited to reveal our dream venue to you one piece at a time.